Posted by on Mar 19, 2010 in My Business Adventures, Personal | 0 comments

Reminder to all my clients and friends that I will be away on vacation from March 31st – April 15th.

The funny thing about heading towards a vacation is that it always seems it suddenly gets really busy. Projects suddenly come flooding in. I love it — scheduling work around and after a vacation is a great way to feel like things will keep moving once I get back.

What’s the latest scoops in my world lately?

  • Looks like I’m scheduled to teach 2 classes of Art 112 this coming semester at Kapiolani Community College. I’m honored that they’d ask me back to be quite honest. These days with the State budget shortage and lack of classrooms (as laid off workers decide to go back to school) means it’s rarer to find room for part time lecturers like myself. I was burnt out a bit the last time I taught the class, but now after a good couple semester break, I’m ready for more. How do I intimidate the students this time?  Mwwahahaha!
  • Australian wing of Lowe Studio is coming up soon. I’ve only had time here and there to work on that between projects but we’re getting there. I’m hoping that the partners I have lined up to help me up there can take off running on their own for a bit. I honestly don’t know how an outside designer would be perceived by the Aussie market, I have a feeling it may be tough at first, but we won’t know till we try.
  • I’ve been walking into things and stubbed my toe recently on one of my boy’s chairs. It got all puffy and disgustingly purple. I’ve suddenly turned into a clutz. One might think that it should be the mom that suffers postpartum behavior like that but maybe I’m suffering byproxy for her?
  • I’m not a particularly religious man, but I’ve been cautiously observing my mom’s power of prayer. It’s odd…one time we told her that we weren’t sure we wanted to have kids. Mom tells me, “I have a good feeling you will have a child, I’ll pray for it” BAM, suddenly one day my wife ends up pregnant.  Recently, I told my mom I could use a few new projects and sure enough she prays for it and now I’m flooded with new work.  Again, these could be huge coincidences, but I think I’m going to ask her to pray me a new Porsche sometime soon.