Posted by on Oct 21, 2008 in Art, Cool Design Tech, Design Finds | 0 comments

Gizmodo had this great collection of “Hypnotic Gadgets” on their site yesterday. Pretty amazing stuff. I’m resisting the urge to launch into another “why can’t we have cool stuff like this in Hawaii” tirade.

Think about this though, with all the talk our local politicians have about how we’re so IT friendly and how we’re fostering art in Downtown, they’re still cutting education funding and we don’t even have a real museum in site.  (Bishop?  Meh, no disrespect but that’s mainly for Hawaiian cultural preservation)

Our annual “tech shows” at the Blaisedell are nothing more then selling opportunities for copy printer, disk duplicator, and internet service provider companies.  You don’t see any far out things like this that actually INSPIRE young minds here in Hawaii.  That’s a shame.

Can you imagine the thought that goes through the minds of the young kids of these places in Japan, Hong Kong, San Fran, Dubai, etc where they see these vast technological & artistic wonders?  What would they end up making that would push the envelope even further when they grow up?

GAAAAH, it kinda frustrates me.  I think I better head down to the beach and remind myself why I love Hawaii.  Maybe building a sandcastle will make me feel better.

God I really suck at avoiding tirades.