So my first teaching experience starts this coming Monday, bright and early. I’m told to get there at some ungodly hour because both staff and students will converge on campus like mad ants fighting over table scraps.
I have to say I’m freakin’ nervous. Yeah yeah I know…“you’ll be fine”. That’s the response I’m getting from everyone. I’m a freaker when not everything is under my control. I might open the door to my classroom come Monday morning and set off the alarms. You’ll have to come bail me out of jail.
I’ve been rehearsing the 1st day of class in my head. I think the last thing I want is to have the students bored to death in an Art class of all things. I remember once when I was going to college taking an elective class in Oceanography. I was thinking “Alright! This is gonna be SO COOL! This will be like listening to Jacques Cousteau at every class”
Turned out we had the most BORING lecturer who put everyone to sleep every day. By the 3rd week the lecture hall had maybe a dozen or so seats in attendance out of maybe 200. Maybe that’s why I’m not out there studying ocean currents or saving dying orca babies right now…this class totally bled it out of me.
So I’m like, “I can’t be like that guy” I’ll dance on my table if I have to. Then it will just be up to the students to be engaged from there.
Shit, why does that class scene in Ferris Bueller come to mind? *blank stares* “Bueller….Bueller…..Bueller”