Posted by on May 27, 2010 in My Business Adventures | 0 comments

Having the “American Dream” isn’t always what it’s cracked up to be. I have a beautiful family, nice home, good car…everyone’s healthy. I should feel like everything hunky dory but the weight of all this stuff to take care of feels really heavy at times. It’s no surprise of course, I knew when I altered my life heading in this direction a few years back that there would be these new responsibilities; but it’s one thing to know it and quite another thing to experience it. There are times where my hands start shaking from feeling the pressure. Is that normal?

Oh well, I keep telling myself it’ll all get easier as Kingston gets a little older. Speaking of Kingston he’s reached a fun stage where you can tell him to do certain things and he’ll do it. I always have a funny thought that enters my head when I look at him sometimes…I picture him as an autonomous robot or something. Back when he was a newborn he just sat there, then he got to the point where he just randomly bumps into things and you couldn’t control him, but NOW he’s starting to take direction!

He’s kinda like a remote control robot now that sometimes goes in the direction you want. Remember those old remote control cars back in the 70s that didn’t have full mobility? They’d just drive backwards in circles until you hit a button and then they’d surge forward in one direction…let go of the button they’d go backwards in a circle again? Kingston’s kinda like that now…you have to struggle a bit but you might eventually get him to go where you want him to go.

Is it bad that I think of my child that way? Maybe it’s the geek side of me showing through.

Anyhoo, he’s definitely more fun now albeit the fact he needs more attention. My favorite times are when we take him to the grandparent’s house. He gets watched by all the fawning adults in the house and I just get to watch him play.