Posted by on Aug 26, 2008 in Cool Design Tech, Design Finds, Logos | 0 comments has a listing of their 20 most famous logos.  Or should I say “IN-famous” logos?

What does that mean, in-famous?….In-famous is when you’re MORE then famous – Three Amigos

I’m not sure I agree with this list. Some of these are downright ugly in my opinion but they’re well known simply by popularity.  Nintendo?  Google?  Are you kidding me?

But nobody will argue that some of these are iconic. “Coca-Cola”, “IBM”, “Nike”, “FedEx”  These are almost always repeated every time someone writes about logos!

While there, they had a list of some pretty interesting lights.  I really need to find a desk light of my own soon. I got this Japanese-inspired paper lamp in my office that turns all my colored prints into a nice shade of doo-doo brown at night. Who would have thought when I actually need to find a good light for print work I can’t find them anywhere?