My brother’s got his own blog he’s been keeping since he moved to Australia earlier this year. That little squirt is even more irreverent then I am, which makes him pretty damn funny sometimes.
Here he’s got some snapshots of some food items Downunder that brings back some memories of the year I spent in Australia when I was about 8 years old. I loved these meat-pies and sausage rolls. Someone outta package these things and bring them down to the States. They’re not fine cuisine or anything but they’re at least a notch better then the crappy hotpockets and frozen chimichangas they have at Costco.
My brother failed to mention the day he was born in HK my aunt picks me up from school and asked me, “Guess what you got today?”. I answered, “Meat pies?! Sausage rolls?!”. “No, you got a new brother!”, she answers.
I was CLEARLY disappointed. My brother owes me a basket of these things to make up for that day.