I was having a late start this morning, you know, the days where you just don’t feel like doing much except mull around the web sipping freshly brewed home coffee?
I figured a little inspiration wouldn’t hurt so I dug around my old bookmarks and stumbled across this list of 17 Unusual and creative pillows.
You’d really have to be a graphic design geek to find any interest in the pillows above. (I wouldn’t mind the blue Photoshop one actually) You’d have to be a super-geek to even comment that if these were accurate the fonts would have to be transparent to match CS4.
I kinda like this remote control pocket holder concept. I hate having to dig around for my TiVo remote that sometimes ends up in my office or under the dining table. My only hesitation about this pillow is that I might sit on it with my fat ass and crack my remotes in half. (via Toxel)