Here’s some artwork that I collected from my days in art and drawing classes. You got the standard life drawing where I had to draw a crumpled paper bag. Then we had a couple of projects along the way learning how to handle conté crayons: one where we had to replicate a famous artists work. I ended up with a Picasso. And then the final project where we had to set up our own life drawing, this one specifically needed to be drawn on two separate half sheets of paper. The later project ended earning me scholarship funds.
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Class Sketchwork
Class Sketchwork
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I started this blog the day I quit my last job to set out on my own two feet as an independent graphic designer. I had no motivations other than to document my experiences for my own self reflection and gratification from time to time. Does this blog have anything to do with design?...not always, but my daily experiences shape how I design.
Twitter: lowestudio
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