Posted by on May 14, 2013 in Personal | 0 comments

I acted as a parent chaperone for Kingston last week to Sea Life Park. It was literally last minute, my wife was originally signed up to go on this field trip with his pre-school class but on the day of she decided she was too sick to go. I was still feeling under-the-weather, but if she didn’t go, I thought “So who else is going to watch the kids if the class is short of adults?”  So I went…

It was as crazy as I expected. Imagine a school bus full of screaming 4 year olds. Imagine being a little sick the whole time. Imagine how most of the park had no cloud cover or shade. Can’t picture it?  I’ll come over upon request and scream in your ear for a bit to give you the full effect.  In the meantime, here’s a couple of photos of my day.


