Posted by on Dec 27, 2011 in Personal | 0 comments

I just heard word that an old classmate (whom I haven’t kept in touch with but I know friends who do) had his mom pass away the day after Christmas. Apparently she went swimming with the family and she complained about chest pains…then that was it. I didn’t ask for more details beyond that. I have no idea if she just suffered a heart attack in the pool or just shortly thereafter. Suffice to say it was quick and unexpected.

Sucks that it happened the day after Christmas, but then again, is it ever a good day for a loved one to pass away?

I don’t want to be pessimistic about it all. But as good as my year has been this 2011, it’s stuff like this that reminds me how life is often stacked up like a house of cards…how easy it can suddenly fall. Makes me appreciate good times all that much more.

To my old classmate…I can only wish you my condolences and wish that you find a good time to let your heart mend after this.