So here I am approaching my last week of teaching my first semester of classes. (Whoa, did I just overload too many prepositions there? It’s like saying, “I’m your cousin’s best friend’s second uncle…“)
After 15 weeks of teaching, I must say I had a lot of fun. The students were great…you know, they were sometimes half asleep during this morning class, but overall they each had great humor and personality once you broke through their initial shyness. I don’t think they were used to instructors who weren’t quite as formal as they’re used to. We’ll find out how successful I was next week when they get to evaluate me!
Sure enough, I’ve confirmed that teaching is one of the best ways to improve my own skills. I was forced to review or even learn skills I took for granted in the past. I must say I’m now a better Illustrator and Flash animator then I was before…which is good reward in itself. I highly recommend teaching to anyone!
Next semester I’m teaching again!