So we came back from our small weekend getaway to the West side of the island over at KoOlina Beach Resort. None the worse for wear…no sunburns to report and for the most part it was a nice needed mini vacation. The weather was beautiful as you can see and there was a lot to do on the grounds of the resort.
Kingston had his first real experience spending time in ocean water, playing in the sand and grass, and wading in the resort kiddy pools and warm jacuzzis (sp?) I think he probably enjoyed it more then we did since much of the trip was spent around making sure he was well fed and comfortable. Oh well, such is life with a toddler around.
Has the trip helped my design block any? Nope, still frustrated with that, but I won’t bore you fellow readers with that again. You know…somehow, SOMEthing will trigger some inspiration in me and get all these projects rolling.