Posted by on Oct 24, 2008 in Personal | 0 comments

Well, as it turns out one of my eardrums is stuck in position with some kind of negative pressure.  The same condition you’d get when you’re sitting on a plane coming in for a landing…you know that stuffiness feeling with some pressure discomfort?  Well, that’s what one ear has felt like now for about 2 weeks.  Doc says I might need surgery to correct it but for now we’re going to try hydrocortizone ear drops and I have to do a CAT scan and audiogram to see if that reveals more about what’s going on.

I’m not going to say for sure this is what I have (I know the dangers of self-diagnosis and believing everything I read online) but this sounds vaguely familiar to what the doctor was saying I had – Scary they put that under the category of a “tumor”   “It’s not a tumor!

It’s definitely made me a bit grumpy and depressed lately.  But I keep trying to remind myself there are people out there going through a lot more crap then this so I’m trying my best to cheer myself up. I don’t wanna be so overly dramatic about this, but I’m allowing myself a few days to just cope. A hug here and there is about the best medicine I have right now.

On a positive note random noise doesn’t bother me as much when I sleep now because I can’t hear half of it. I’m sleeping like a baby, even the alarm isn’t as loud.

I hope this is a temporary condition that will right itself.