Posted by on Jul 28, 2012 in Cool Design Tech, Design Finds | 2 comments

[youtube id=0LHkHAHWEPk]

This 24 inch color touchscreen design tablet falls squarely into “want-but-will-unlikely-ever-have” category for me. Why?  Because it $3700 smackeroos that’s why. So unless I ever convince the powers-that-be at the college to get me one of these for my “work”, I’m unlikely to ever gleefully run my grubby fingers across one.

I’ve wanted the Cintiq for a while now. Ever since my sister-in-law got one a couple years back. (that bitch! hehe) I’d love to see how drawing directly on the screen my help my workflow but there’s just too much other tech and camera gear pulling on my wallet these days.