Posted by on Jan 28, 2009 in Design News | 0 comments

Anybody want the full Adobe CS4 Master Collection for free?  (Valued at $3500).

Sheeeit, I do! Come on…the master collection has every program you’ll ever need to do just about anything.

A friend of mine pointed me out to a blog written by an Adobe insider who made this little competition where he hid a package at some mystery location.  Anyone who finds it gets the software.  Sounds like he’s going to do this at every location he travels.

Kinda neat but I know I probably wouldn’t have the guts to try it unless I knew for sure it was just buried right around the corner from me.  Knowing there are far smarter people out there on the internet, I just know I’d be the one who’d spend a day getting to the location only to find a hole.