Posted by on Nov 15, 2012 in Art, Cool Design Tech, Inspiration | 0 comments

[youtube id=G1iVJExd5vA]

As I’ve aged, I’ve learned my own limits. There are certain things I don’t know, but I have confidence that I could learn provided I had (1) the desire to learn that subject matter and (2) the time to do it. Programming, photography, and videography are some of my current like-to-do challenges I know I could tackle to my satisfaction at some point in my lifetime.

But this example of animatronics by Gustav Hoegen is amazing. As I stare at this video, I couldn’t help but think to myself, “there’s no possible way I could get that good at this craft no matter how much desire and time I was given.” He’s just that far ahead and I don’t have that much lifetime and gusto left in me. *bow down*