Here’s a neat LCD (?) clock that features a looping video of a man drawing the hands of the clock in each passing minute. Pointless? Yes, but nonetheless fun to watch. If it didn’t actually have a creepy man behind it, I wouldn’t mind having one…say…with a Italian supermodel on it? It’ll be like she’s perpetually...
Read MoreUnder the Dome Bookcover
I don’t have as much time to read as I used to. Which MAY possibly be just another contributing factor to my design blocks in recent weeks. I’m thinking about this new book from Stephen King called “Under the Dome” which sounds like a good read. Interesting that Amazon had this little tidbit about the design of the bookcover:...
Read MoreDaniel Rybakken
I thought this was a very interesting concept where psychology meets art meets interior design. Artist Daniel Rybakken created this end-table that projects an illusion of sunlight coming through a window. You might think, “What’s the point of that?” But in practice, light can be shown to give a perception of expanded space. So if...
Read MoreWhen I grow up…
OK, I got a good laugh out of this one. (spotted on Monster-Munch) On that note, what’s with all the sex scandals coming off of pageant women anyway? NOT that there’s anything wrong with it… *wink*
Read MorePlaying Cards
I stumbled across these beautiful playing cards designed by Michelle Lam. Apparently it’s intended to inspire other designers with the use of typography and iconology. I think it’s quite nice, it’s inspired me thank you Michelle! I’ve had a couple of people approach me to design playing decks for them before. Unfortunately in both...
Read MorePillbox and Brooms
I had this site bookmarked for about a week intending to post it, but there was just too many distractions. This website “Today and Tomorrow” is seems to be a pretty good collection of unusual artwork found by this guy in Berlin. Great browsing through there for inspiration. I found these 2 things that caught my attention: While it’s a...
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