Here’s something quite amazing…this artist, Juan Francisco Casas Ruiz, does this amazing artwork with ballpoint pen. Can you imagine this? Shit in highschool the only thing I drew with ballpoint was some Metallica logos on my bookcovers. My only problem with this is that it’s so photo-realistic….what’s the point? Let’s...
Read MoreYue Minjun
With all the hoopla in recent months over dead celebrities and how we idolize some of them, I think this artists work was particularly fitting. “…multiple clones of my self-portrait image have been created in order to invent a new idol”. Something about seeing a laughing face that just brightens your day a little bit doesn’t it? A...
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Not exactly new (this video was put up 3 years ago now), but then again, I haven’t really seen much of this being put into actual commercial use lately have you? It still worth a look though — designers who may be into animation, or interface design might look into textiles like this as a new media niche. I don’t know if I’d ever...
Read MoreNew shwag
Well well well…my new cards came in today. I was so nervous about these cards…they cost me almost a dollar each and if they came out bad, I think I’d dig a hole in the ground and shove my head in. All week long I don’t couldn’t think of much else (so sad huh?) You know what? I don’t think they’re too bad. If you...
Read MorePillow fight?
I was having a late start this morning, you know, the days where you just don’t feel like doing much except mull around the web sipping freshly brewed home coffee? I figured a little inspiration wouldn’t hurt so I dug around my old bookmarks and stumbled across this list of 17 Unusual and creative pillows. You’d really have to be a...
Read MoreSkin Font
Do they have a serif version of this font? Disgusting eh? But it definitely caught my eye this morning. Looks like these are different people for each one…some are hairy like a sasquatch and some of these folks look like they’re about to blow a blood vessel. Somehow there is no “Y” and “Z”. Maybe they ran out of...
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