We’re probably going to be taking Kingston on his first trip to see his maternal grandparents in Hong Kong around April. Nothing confirmed yet. It’s making us a little nervous given that it’s our first trip with Kingston….16 hours for that matter. I’m already searching for tips on how we might travel if a 16month old. Got...
Read MoreHelp for Haiti
I donated to Haiti the other day. I mean, it was really “nothing”, about as much as the cost of a big lunch I’m embarrassed to say. But I was struck with a tweet from someone that said something like, “Don’t make the mistake of wanting to do so much that you end up doing nothing”. So I pulled out the cell phone and...
Read MoreConsumer Service Analysis
Finished a website officially in time for Christmas. I’ve gotten to know the owner of Consumer Service Analysis enough that I’d call her a friend. She seems to be really taking off with this mystery shopping business which is fantastic. I’ve been thankful that she’s been letting me guide her a little bit with some of her logo and...
Read MoreJust a little bit of recollecting today.
Today I find a brief respite in my work. Enough to feel “ok” about just letting things calm down in my mind a bit and just recollect. A friend of mine recently posted “rest and stillness are endangered in our species”. It definitely gave me food for thought today. I did reasonably well this month in terms of work accomplished. Just...
Read MoreBreaktime…a little of this and that.
So here we are…middle of the month of December already and it’s just flying by like mad. It never fails to feel like a crush this time of year. In part because I always try to jam on projects before the 2 upcoming long weekends hits us, and then there’s all the Holiday shopping and craziness that comes along with it. Have I done my...
Read MoreA little of this…a little of that.
I can’t believe it’s December already. It’s just going way too fast. Each day is a blur because with a toddler around everything is just focused on him and before you know it, it’s 9pm before you feel like you have any “downtime”. I give single-parents credit…parenting is an insanely trying task. I can’t...
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