My email seems to be down today. (Bad gmail bad!) I can only assume it’ll be back up soon. It IS Google mail after all, how many people do they serve? I’m not the type to stress over having email down for a little while…in fact it might be a welcome break. Go ahead and continue trying to reach me by email if you can. Otherwise the best...
Read MoreBad robot
So my site has been down for about 24 hours. Did you miss me? (Sometimes I’d love to see the expressions on my reader’s faces, I bet there is more than one person out there rolling their eyes right now) The problem is that I had exceeded my bandwidth. Not that it was a big surprise, I had been monitoring the traffic to my site almost on a daily...
Read MoreBackOffice Solutions Hawaii
Finished a new logo brand this week. BackOffice Solutions Hawaii is a business designed to help support other new businesses and non-profit organizations. Say you need help with alternate financing, accounting, payroll, taxes, marketing, branding, etc, they’ll act as the backbone for you. I kind of wish I had access to support like this 5 years ago...
Read MorePutzing around the mall
My wife complains of being bored in Hawaii every once in a while. I have to admit sometimes it’s rather limiting to be on an island…granted, it’s a big island and a good sized city here in Honolulu, but there’s only so much to you can do. Every weekend we usually go walk around the Mall. Yes, the same one week after week, Ala...
Read MoreRandom Thoughts
It’s been too hot to think lately. A couple of near storms around the Hawaiian islands this season has come by and blocked our tradewinds. If you’ve never been to Hawaii….basically all year round we have weather that is near ideallic. But the one-time you don’t want to come here is when we don’t have our tradewinds. The...
Read MoreBe Yourself
I’m going to tell you a little personal story today, one that I told to my business networking group today. Some of you may know I play music on the side every now and again. I’ve been in a billion bands. Started playing bass right around my Junior year of high school (What is that, 5 years ago now?). Right around the time I was 20 or 21 I was...
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