I’ve had the new Adobe CS4 package for about a week now, which includes the latest versions of Photoshop, Flash, Dreamweaver, InDesign, Illustrator, etc. I still haven’t goofed around with all the new features yet. For geeks like me, the experience of getting new software is a bit like those old mail order offers where you can get 12 new CDs...
Read MoreTeaching experiences
So here I am approaching my last week of teaching my first semester of classes. (Whoa, did I just overload too many prepositions there? It’s like saying, “I’m your cousin’s best friend’s second uncle…”) After 15 weeks of teaching, I must say I had a lot of fun. The students were great…you know, they were...
Read MoreCareer Triangle
Interesting exercise I found today called “Maxing Out Your Triangle”. I liked the neat little triangle charts that helped to communicate the concept in a very simplified fashion. I think it holds a good portion of truth…looking back at all the jobs I’ve had over time, I’ve certainly had at least one out of these 3 motivations...
Read MoreI’m good enough, I’m smart enough, and doggone it, people like me
It’s been a while since I did any personal reflection on my business experience. I’m not sure if you guys know this, but I started this blog just right around the time I decided to start Lowe Studio in the first place over 3 years ago. Kind of a way to document what I’m going through so I can look back. Whodathunk I’d actually...
Read MoreNo problem
When you run your own business, there’s a lot more to consider beyond just the skills and services that you offer. Not only did I have to pick up all the crappy parts about business (i.e., doing the taxes, the record keeping, the billing, etc.), I also had to refine my own skills at doing things like speaking, public relations, marketing, sales,...
Read More4 weeks in…
So I’m into my 4th week of lecturing so far for this Art class. How am I doing? I’m not so sure, in some cases I can see my students responding well and it boosts my confidence, while for some students I’m having some difficulty breaking through and it just throws me off. I’m certainly learning some things so far though, like:...
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