Perfect combinations of 2 casual hobbies I love…toys & photography. My brother sent me a link of “70 Creative Examples of Toy Photography”. (via PhotoTuts+)
Read MoreNeed a hug
I have to stop watching the news. Why? Don’t you think it’s just a shitstorm of tragedy everywhere these days? I’m inclined to think that we human beings can only have so much empathy for others in the world…these days, it’s just coming at us too much, too fast. I miss the days when news only came in 30 minute chunks each night on...
Read MorePaper Miniatures
Here are some paper miniatures I stumbled on today that I found really impressive. Again, proving that there are people out there way more talented and patient than I am. The color, detail, and compositions are really inspirational. (Here I am talking like an instructor again) (via DesignBoom) Good old Elvis here looks awesome. I’m not sure if those...
Read MoreScrew Art
“Screw Art”?! Pun intended. This piece of 3D looking art was created by a gentleman named Andrew Myers who apparently takes thousands of screws and…err…screws them into plywood, and then paints over the heads to get this effect. I’ve seen similar demonstrations of patience before using everything from pencil tips, to crayons....
Read MoreInteractive Business Cards
Another list of cool business cards for inspiration. Some of these on the list I’ve seen before on other compilations but a few new ones are listed. I particularly liked this dentist card and the one with the knot for the message therapist. Simple…but it gets the point across. (via LukeTechTips)
Read MoreVideo – Lost in Sound
Stumbled across this really cool video “Lost in Sound” by Onsombil. Apparently all filmed in 2 days using a Canon 7D. I’m getting more and more tempted to getting a Canon body that can do video…this looks fun. The song isn’t half bad too. Reminds me of an old school acid-jazz group I used to like called “Critter’s...
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