Finished a website officially in time for Christmas. I’ve gotten to know the owner of Consumer Service Analysis enough that I’d call her a friend. She seems to be really taking off with this mystery shopping business which is fantastic. I’ve been thankful that she’s been letting me guide her a little bit with some of her logo and...
Read MoreHawaii Teacher Standards Board
Yay, the design I did for HTSB close to 2 years ago if finally up. Why take so long? Well, I’m not going to get into the details but I was working with their chosen developer at the time and he went sour with my client sometime back. All this legal stuff ensued and it got messy. Suffice to say I never got my full pay on this job, but it got to the...
Read MoreCamellie
Check out this Romanian illustrator, Camelia Dobrin, over on her website. Really cool stuff and a pretty nice & simple website to boot. It’s a coincidence I’ve been seeing this type of retro Sgt. Peppery illustrative style a lot lately. I’ve been banging away at Beatles:Rockband lately and the style of the artwork in there is pretty...
Read More2 new websites
A couple of quick mentions of recent websites I’ve finished this week. I don’t think I’ve ever finished 2 websites on the same day before, but I guess the schedules just worked out this way. Both websites fell under similar budget constraints, but they each had very unique challenges. Above, the East Asian Marketing Strategy site was the...
Read MoreBest CSS Resources
For all the CSS geeks out there, I stumbled across this great list of resources. Follow the list and you’ll end up with even more great lists…that take you on, and on, on. Have at it. SOMEbody must get a reward for putting all this together. If you’re anything like me, you may have already bookmarked some of your favorite places for CSS...
Read MoreLess is best
I’m still here. Surviving my week babysitting my 8-week old. He’s still got all his toes and fingers so I didn’t do half bad. I did have an awkward leaking poopy diaper incident once but let’s not get into the details of that shall we? I found the site above recently while surfing around looking at artist portfolios. Apparently...
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