On the heels of my post about how things were in web-design trends back in the mid-90’s, today you can practically do anything. In the hands of a good illustrator or image artist, websites can look pretty amazing these days without necessarily resorting to methods that might break accessibility standards. I’ve been working on the Australian...
Read MoreGood old days
I’ve been doing web-design since I first discovered it back in 1995-1996. Put it into perspective…most sites were hand-coded, I think HTML editors were just starting to turn up (I remember one of my favorite editors at the time was one called HotDog made by a company called Sausage), Photoshop was maybe around version 2 or 3 (there was no such...
Read MoreHow Web Design Goes Straight to Hell
Sadly this comic strip describes the hazards of being a designer so well I had to post it. Just recently I had a small project I was doing for a friend put to a halt for similar issues. That issue got resolved in a friendly manner but it honestly does make you fantasize about changing careers to “give sponge bathes to the elderly” (via The...
Read MoreBBC website
Last week a friend of mine posted a tweet from the BBC that demonstrated the level of work they went through trying to come up with a new website look. Take a peek…it’s pretty interesting the level of detail and work that they went through. Now the next time you approach a designer and ask for something “easy”…keep in mind...
Read MoreFlash vrs HTML5
One of the common complaints that had been going around with iPhone and iPads (that name still brings me a little chuckle) is the lack of Flash support. During the last big reveal of the iPad, Steve Jobs was quoted to have said that they had no plans to adopt Flash for their devices because he thought Flash was buggy and that it would get replaced with...
Read MoreHelp for Haiti
I donated to Haiti the other day. I mean, it was really “nothing”, about as much as the cost of a big lunch I’m embarrassed to say. But I was struck with a tweet from someone that said something like, “Don’t make the mistake of wanting to do so much that you end up doing nothing”. So I pulled out the cell phone and...
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