Posted by on Jan 13, 2012 in My Business Adventures, Personal | 0 comments

This may come across as a very typical thing an old guy would say, but the pace at which technology progresses is just staggering when you think about it.

Take today for example…the past two weeks I’ve been laboring on my class material teaching my Art 112 class online for the first time this Semester. I’ve been experimenting with all kinds of tools in trying to make the class engaging for the students but at the same time, I’m trying to look for ways to make MY life easier at the same time. So I’ve been doing a lot of videos lately despite the fact I sound nasally and croakey in some of my vids because of my bronchitis.

I digress.

This morning I thought to myself…what’s the fastest way I can show the students how to go use the computer lab equipment?  So I get off my desk, pick up my iPhone, walk over to the lab, record a 5 minute video, return to my desk and let it upload this video via WiFi to YouTube.  10 minutes later I had this video up on my class blog. It was so freaking easy it was criminal. I love it.

Yet it wasn’t so long ago (within the just 10 years) where even just the thought of streaming a video was an effort that required dedicated computers, fancy encoding procedures, and a heck of a lot of time to produce. The cost of both the equipement and labor prevented a lot of people from doing it routinely at the time. I remember once in my last job, it was a HUGE deal to stream a live talk-story show out to online viewers. Nowdays pre-teens are shooting up daily videos to YouTube for free!

I’m just old enough to be able to appreciate how easy everything continues to get.