Posted by on Jun 9, 2011 in Design Finds, How To, Humor, Webdesign | 0 comments

Pastrami fatback drumstick sirloin meatloaf beef ribs. Jowl pork chop beef ribs chuck, ham meatball sausage beef shank tail venison ball tip short loin sirloin biltong. Venison hamburger spare ribs, pig pork belly flank tail. Bacon shankle short loin tri-tip pancetta. Pastrami short ribs tail, flank fatback beef chuck sirloin drumstick tenderloin spare ribs. Swine strip steak pork chop fatback, spare ribs drumstick bacon t-bone meatball biltong cow tenderloin meatloaf. (via Bacon Ipsum)

Lorizzle ipsum dolizzle shut the shizzle up amizzle, consectetuer adipiscing shut the shizzle up. Nullizzle sapizzle velizzle, we gonna chung volutpat, bizzle go to hizzle, shiz fo shizzle, arcu. Pellentesque dang boofron. Sizzle erizzle. Uhuh … yih! go to hizzle dolor dapibizzle turpis tempizzle pimpin’. Maurizzle rizzle dizzle izzle that’s the shizzle. You son of a bizzle izzle tortizzle. Pellentesque fo shizzle mah nizzle fo rizzle, mah home g-dizzle rhoncizzle nisi. In hac mah nizzle dope dictumst. Shizzle my nizzle crocodizzle dapibizzle. (via Gangsta Lorem Ipsum)