Posted by on Sep 25, 2012 in Inspiration, Personal, Toys | 0 comments

Besides one shirt, the only thing I picked up from HK was a set of these (Japanese) nano building sets…basically miniature Lego knockoffs. I grabbed a full set of instruments. I completed my first one during break today.

I thought I needed tweezers to handle all the pieces. Some of the pieces were so tiny I was afraid I could barely hold them.

As it turned out, it wasn’t too bad to just use my fingers. Although I discovered it was safer to do these sets on non-carpet environments because at least twice I had a piece come flying out between my fingers only to bounce around my floors. If it had been carpet forget about finding it.

These things aren’t as brilliantly put together as Lego sets where designers interlock pieces solidly together. This thing can likely be broken apart with just a flick of the finger. But it’s still a fun little 15 minute project

Now it’s on to the guitar and drums!