Posted by on Dec 5, 2011 in Personal, Rants | 0 comments

I think I’m really starting to resemble Larry David on “Curb Your Enthusiasm”, such that I’m being pessimistic a lot lately. Even when things are good, (and I appreciate that they really ARE good right now), I’m just perpetually in this state of feeling stressed, tired, and wired up. There have been some days lately I felt I had Parkinson’s because I’d find my hands shaking.

I can’t get myself to relax! It sucks really because I’ve always figured myself out to be able to chill out whenever needed. The only thing I can think of is the fact I haven’t had any downtime in a long while. I’m trying to see what I can do about that later this month…but in the meantime I just gotta suffer it out.

Meanwhile we’ve been trying to get our little boy potty trained. Which is a frustrating thing because there seems to be no good solution for making it happen. We’ve tried everything from jelly bean bribery, bookreading, even offering that he could use my iPad in the bathroom just to make him go but none of that has proven effective.

We spent this past weekend trying to just leave him out of diapers and put him in little BBDs, but that just ended up being a disaster as we ended up chasing after him all day with puddles of pee all over the floor. Trust me…having a neurotically clean spouse and a peeing toddler in one small house does not make a happy father.

We’ve asked some of the teachers and therapists who work with Kingston about it and the answer we got back was “Don’t worry about it…he won’t be wearing diapers when he gets married”  Easy for them to say, I don’t want to be changing his diapers until he’s old enough to drink.

Typical of my wife, she’s going back and forth about what to do about the situation like there’s a way to analyze how to make make him go. But I personally just think there’s no way to rationalize this situation…he goes when he’s ready.

He better be ready SOON dang nabbit!!!