EAMs is a company that specializes in marketing to…um…asian markets (DUH). We work with them a lot for translation and consulting when it comes to specifically marketing websites and advertisements in places like Korea, China, and Japan. When doing their site, our challenge was taking their very unique logo and personality into a website design that kept the same vibrant personality. This wasn’t a big site nor a particularly challenging one…but as a personal challenge I’m happy that I was able to achieve the look they wanted around their brand and colors, and I was able to get the site to incorporate multiple languages.
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East Asian Marketing
East Asian Marketing
About Me

My Thoughts
I started this blog the day I quit my last job to set out on my own two feet as an independent graphic designer. I had no motivations other than to document my experiences for my own self reflection and gratification from time to time. Does this blog have anything to do with design?...not always, but my daily experiences shape how I design.
Twitter: lowestudio
- I liked @adidas so much better when they were endorsed by @RevRunWisdom 11:14:06 AM October 23, 2022 from Twitter for iPhone ReplyRetweetFavorite