Posted by on Aug 8, 2012 in Inspiration, Personal, Rants | 0 comments

Had a conversation with a friend today about the hoopla surrounding the landing of the Mars rover “Curiosity” this past weekend. He suggested the media was overcompensating about this space news lately, he’s heard enough. That’s a reasonable opinion, I told him. But at the same time I felt that overcompensation for this type of news might be long overdue. Enough news about lying politicians, about horrors of wars, about senseless shootings, about religious discrimination, etc  etc.  Yes, we all need to understand these aspects in life…but I think we’re long overdue for inspiration.

Even in my own short lifetime (Hey, I’m old…but not THAT old), I remember how spaceships and astronauts were a big deal. I swear at some point I used to answer “astronaut” when someone would ask me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I don’t hear kids saying that so much these days. And that’s sad.

If my child gets inspired by stories like these, and be as passionate about anything (it doesn’t have to be about space), as Dr Neil DeGrasse Tyson is about NASA and exploration….I will be a proud papa.

[youtube id=9D05ej8u-gU]

[youtube id=CbIZU8cQWXc]

[youtube id=BFO2usVjfQc]