We just got back from Melbourne, Australia. Expect to see more photos in the coming days. I think I took 32GB worth of photos…I don’t think I ever took that much before. This time I figured if I’d lug 20+lbs of camera along, I might as well shoot freely.
Here’s a series of shots I took one day visiting the Werribee Zoo. It’s a bit like a mashup between a traditional zoo and a safari experience. So many of the non-dangerous animals are somewhat free to roam about and you can take these bus excursions through the park to see them. I figured it would be a different experience for the little one.
It was a fun experience, but despite knowing that you can’t have animals act on cue, I couldn’t help being slightly disappointed we didn’t see any of the traditional Australian animals…I didn’t see koalas, kangaroos, wombats, etc on this particular trip. But I did manage to snap a few shots of other cool animals there.
WAIT, if you want to simulate the experience of being on the bus ride through the park, you need to play this song in the background….over, and over, and over again. It’s a bit surprising the bus tour operators had not become criminally insane yet hearing this.
[youtube id=KWU2Qawx5uA]

Silverback Gorillas

Not 10 seconds after this shot, this gorilla pounded it’s chest and stormed towards a noisy group of school children. Thank goodness for thick glass?

The emus walked right up over the rope line and said hello to us.

Lion cubs only a few months old

Prairie Dog