Posted by on Sep 30, 2008 in How To, Logos, Personal, Photography | 0 comments

I posted this “Sisters” site before on my old blog. I can’t stop occasionally paying a visit to this Photographer’s blog every once in a while to check out his work.  He’s been documenting his 2 daughters for a few years now. It’s fantastic photography work and the subject matter just simply brings a smile doesn’t it?  It’s a bit like where you just want to reach out and PINCH!

Lighting, post-production work…ok, maybe some of that I know a bit and I can learn the rest.  But the biggest mystery to me is….how does he get his 2 girls to sit still for a picture like that?  Tempt them to sit still with cheetos?  Crazy glue them to the floor?   I’ve tried photographing my friend’s kids here and there and I always just get a blurry picture of the backside of their heads as they run around….

I’m on a mission, I think once my little one comes in February, I’ll try something similar where I’ll practice my photography on him.  He’ll be flopping all over… “Sit up!  Smile” Click click click. Hey, one of best gifts my dad ever did for me was take wonderful shots of me when I was a baby.  Figure maybe one day my little guy will be grateful I did the same for him (that’s ASSUMING I take good shots like those)

Poor kid is gonna grow up with a complex.