g-speak overview 1828121108 from john underkoffler on Vimeo. OK this is rather cool…a bit of a giant leap in interface design akin to the fancy computers they showed in the movies like Minority Report or Matrix. Who knows, maybe in the near future we’ll be doing all our Photoshop designs using these giant hand gestures. It’ll be like I...
Read MoreMusic Schedule
Here’s a concept I quickly whipped up for my band “Miss Buddha”. I’m not sure. I was pretty excited about it at first. I liked the spirit of it…it’s very Sex Pistol-esk. I intentionally did it very fast and furious to try to get the energy of the music we played. And I noticed a lot of the iconic punk groups always...
Read MoreYou can’t resist the powa of the baby cheeks….
I posted this “Sisters” site before on my old blog. I can’t stop occasionally paying a visit to this Photographer’s blog every once in a while to check out his work. He’s been documenting his 2 daughters for a few years now. It’s fantastic photography work and the subject matter just simply brings a smile doesn’t...
Read MorePhotoshop CS4 review
Here’s another good learning site to pick up new feature information about the differences in the new Photoshop CS4 coming soon. Just scanning through I don’t see any changes that are AMAZING yet, but I do see some items here that will be little tiny improvements here and there that only people who use Photoshop all the time will notice...
Read MoreCS4 Preview
Really quick news, today they’ve released news about the new Adobe Creative Suite CS4 products that are coming out. Yeah that means spending more money unfortunately. BOO! But having gone through an uku-gagillion upgrades of Adobe for years now, I can generally say that upgrades to these products are usually pretty well done. There’s...
Read MoreDon’t double-space
I delivered a presentation to my BNI chapter this week. All 10 minutes of it. Actually 10 minutes isn’t a whole lot of time. I actually had to rehearse at home quite a number of times to just get my points across within that time frame. In the end, I ended up delivering this presentation seated at a Chinese restaurant round-table because our normal...
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