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He’s a ham

He’s a ham

Posted by on Apr 1, 2016 in LoweStudio Photos, Personal, Photography | 0 comments

I’m not sure if he’s actually our child. Mom & dad are more on the serious side….but this child absolutely thrives on attention. It doesn’t even matter if it’s attention from a fellow classmate, or a public sidewalk full of people, he’ll do practically anything to get a laugh. That’s fine with me and all. Maybe...

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Visiting Werribee Zoo

Visiting Werribee Zoo

Posted by on Mar 27, 2016 in LoweStudio Photos, Personal, Photography | 0 comments

We just got back from Melbourne, Australia. Expect to see more photos in the coming days. I think I took 32GB worth of photos…I don’t think I ever took that much before. This time I figured if I’d lug 20+lbs of camera along, I might as well shoot freely. Here’s a series of shots I took one day visiting the Werribee Zoo. It’s a...

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Rose-Ringed Parakeets

Rose-Ringed Parakeets

Posted by on Mar 14, 2016 in Art, LoweStudio Photos, Personal, Photography | 0 comments

The bushes and trees around my campus office is turning out to be quite a bird magnet. Not only have the Mana-O-Ku returned to nest another little fluffy bundle these past couple months…I found it there’s a small flock of Rose-Ringed Parakeets have made a daily visit to the small palm trees right next to my window. People have been so busy...

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Random thoughts

Random thoughts

Posted by on Mar 4, 2016 in Personal, Rants, Toys | 0 comments

I spend so much time thinking I need the perfect subject to post about I never get around the posting anymore. Yes, I’m still around. So…today, I say “fuck it”. I’ll just post about any damn thing I want to today. Perhaps someone out there in web-land will find something entertaining to think about this fine Friday. Work I...

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Amazing Korean artists

Amazing Korean artists

Posted by on Feb 1, 2016 in Inspiration | 0 comments

In on of my early bands we recruited a young singer off of a music ad. He was super young…I think at the time he wasn’t even old enough to play in some of the clubs we had booked because he was under-age to be anywhere near the bars. So we sometimes had to arrange with the venue to get-in and get-out without hanging around so nobody got in...

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